What is Blue Majik?

Blue Majik is E3Live's proprietary nutraceutical grade phycocyanin blue pigment, extracted from organic Spirulina (Arthrospira platensis). At the core of Blue Majik's power lies phycocyanin, an exceptionally strong anti-inflammatory, capable of neutralizing harmful free radicals, while also acting as a potent novel COX-2 inhibitor and clinically showing an ability to alleviate physical discomfort and promote overall well-being. Blue Majik is completely chemical-free, ensuring the preservation of the vibrant blue pigment's unparalleled purity and potency.  Blue Majik contains over 30% phycocyanin, the highest of any in the market.
Besides being vibrant blue and the wonderful health benefits, Blue Majik is the *world's only natural blue food coloring* for all of your culinary delights.

Caution: beware of inexpensive imitation blue pigment products. Some companies may offer products claiming to be similar, but they are not the same quality, purity, or contain our 30% high of phycocyanin.  Most products also contain flow agents, bulking ingredients, sugars, preservatives, and more.  Blue Majik is 100% organic spirulina extract - nothing else added.
E3Live was the original source of neutracutical grade blue phycocyanin extract. Our extraction process of Blue Majik  was first done and marketed in  brand since 2009, and is now world renowned. Blue Majik - Bluetiful Blue with Benefits.
Why Blue Majik? Here's what sets Blue Majik apart:
✓ Industry Leader: We lead the way in certified organic phycocyanin, and our Blue Majik stands out as the epitome of quality among phycocyanin extracts worldwide.
✓ 100% Clean Extract: Don't fall for cheap imitations! Blue Majik is not chemically extracted and is completely free from added ingredients like fillers, excipients, food colorants, or flow agents. It's pure, unadulterated phycocyanin extract.
✓ Unmatched Quality Assurance: We take quality seriously! Each batch of Blue Majik undergoes rigorous and expensive bio-assay testing, ensuring that you receive only the finest and most potent product.
✓ Deepest Blue Color: Immerse yourself in the beauty of the deepest blue color available in the market. Blue Majik's vibrant hue is a testament to its unrivaled purity and superiority.
Join countless satisfied clients around the world who have experienced the incredible benefits of Blue Majik's phycocyanin extract. Elevate your wellness journey with the utmost confidence in a brand that has been delivering excellence since 1995.
Experience the authentic power of Blue Majik - where purity, potency, and prestige unite to redefine your well-being. ������

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