Does AFA contain Folate or Folic Acid?

AFA contains naturally occurring Folate

Folate is an essential vitamin.

Folate vs. Folic Acid, a commonly asked question.

Folate is a naturally occurring form of vitamin B9 that can be found in various foods, such as algae, leafy greens (spinach, kale), legumes, fruits, and fortified grains. It is an essential nutrient for the body and plays a crucial role in DNA synthesis, red blood cell production, and other important biological processes.

Folic acid, on the other hand, is the synthetic form of vitamin B9. It is used in dietary supplements and fortified foods, such as fortified cereals and bread, to help address folate deficiency and ensure adequate intake of this important nutrient.

In summary, both folate and folic acid are forms of vitamin B9, but folate refers to the naturally occurring form found in food, while folic acid is the synthetic form used in supplements and fortified foods. The body can convert folic acid to the active form of folate, but some people may have difficulty with this conversion, which is why consuming natural folate sources is also essential for a balanced diet.

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