Social Media Policy and Guidelines

E3Live social media - guidelines

Social media is changing the way we work, offering a new model to engage with customers, colleagues, and the world at large. We believe this kind of interaction can help you to build stronger, more successful business relationships. And it's a way for you to take part in global conversations related to the work we are doing at E3Live and the things we care about.
These are the official guidelines for participating in social media for E3Live. If you're an E3Live employee, distributor, wholesaler, affiliate (or otherwise representing E3Live) and you are creating or contributing to blogs, wikis, social networks, virtual worlds, or any other kind of social media, these guidelines are for you. They will evolve as new social networking tools emerge, so check back regularly to make sure you're up to date.
Participation in social computing on behalf of E3Live is not a right but an opportunity, so please treat it seriously and with respect. Failure to abide by these guidelines could put your participation at risk. Please also follow the terms and conditions for any third-party sites.

Be transparent.
Be truthful.
Be Yourself.
1. Disclose
Your presence in social media must be transparent.
Your honesty—or dishonesty—will be quickly noticed in the social media environment. Please represent E3Live ethically and with integrity.

  • Be transparent: Use your real name, identify that you work for E3Live (if an employee) or that you are a distributor, wholesaler, affiliate or representative for E3Live, and be clear about your role.
  • Be truthful: If you have a vested interest in something you are discussing, be the first to point it out and be specific about what it is.
  • Be yourself: Stick to your area of expertise; write what you know. If you publish to a website outside E3Live, please use a disclaimer something like this: "The postings on this site are my own and don't necessarily represent E3Live's positions, strategies, or opinions."

2. Protect
Take extra care to protect both E3Live and yourself.
Make sure all that transparency doesn't violate E3Live's confidentiality or legal guidelines for commercial speech—or your own privacy. Remember, if you're online, you're on the record—everything on the Internet is public and searchable. And what you write is ultimately your responsibility.

  • Don't tell secrets: Never reveal E3Live-classified or confidential information. If you're unsure, check with E3Live first. Off-limit topics include (but not limited to): unreleased product info, internal policies and processes. Also, please respect brand, trademark, copyright, fair use, and trade secrets. If it gives you pause…then pause rather than publish.
  • Don't give medical advice: We are not medical professionals; we cannot give out medical advice or make medical claims regarding our products. If a medical question arises, always direct the client to seek medical advice from their medical professional to see if our products are suitable for them to consume.
  • Don't slam the competition (or E3Live): Play nice. Anything you publish must be true and not misleading, but it is unprofessional (and in some cases illegal) to target specific competing companies with negative information, even if it is a true statement. Let's focus on the positive aspects of our company and products, not the negative aspects of others.
  • Don't overshare: Be careful out there—once you hit "share," you usually can't get it back. Plus being judicious will help make your content more crisp and audience-relevant.

3. Use Common Sense
Remember that professional, straightforward and appropriate communication is best.
Perception is reality and in online social networks, the lines between public and private, personal and professional are blurred. Just by identifying yourself as an E3Live employee (or other representative), you are creating perceptions about your expertise and about E3Live. Do us all proud.

  • Add value:  There are millions of words out there—make yours helpful and thought-provoking. Remember, it's a conversation, so keep it real. Build community by posting content that invites responses—then stay engaged. You can also broaden the dialogue by citing others who are writing about the same topic and allowing your content to be shared.
  • Keep it cool: There can be a fine line between healthy debate and incendiary reaction. Try to frame what you write to invite differing points of view without inflaming others. And you don't need to respond to every criticism or barb. Be careful and considerate, try to answer with positivity.
  • Did you screw up? If you make a mistake, admit it. Be upfront and be quick with your correction. If you're posting to a blog, you may choose to modify an earlier post—just make it clear that you have done so.

Contractors and Endorsements
As the E3Live Social Media Guidelines describe, we support transparency and are committed to clear disclosure of relationships and endorsements. If you are contracted, seeded, or in any way compensated by E3Live to create social media, please note that you need to disclose that you have been seeded or otherwise compensated by E3Live. Your blog will be monitored for compliance with our guidelines and accurate descriptions of products and claims. Also refer to the E3Live Social Media Practitioner Guidelines below.
Moderation (reviewing and approving content) applies to any social media content written on behalf of E3Live by people outside the company, whether the site is on or off We do not endorse or take responsibility for content posted by third parties, a.k.a. user-generated content (UGC). This includes text input and uploaded files, including video, images, audio, executables, and documents. While we strongly encourage user participation, there are some guidelines we ask third parties to follow to keep it safe for everyone.

  • Post-moderation: Even when a site requires the user to register before posting, simple user name and email entry doesn't really validate the person. So to ensure least risk/most security, we require moderation of all UGC posts. The designated moderator scans all posts to be sure they adhere to E3Live's guidelines.
  • Community moderation (a.k.a. reactive moderation): For established, healthy communities, group moderation by regular users can work well. This will sometimes be allowed to take the place of post-moderation—but it must be applied for and approved.
  • The "house rules": Whether content is post-moderated or community moderated, we use this rule of thumb: the Good, the Bad, but not the Ugly. If the content is positive or negative and in context to the conversation, then it can be approved, regardless of whether it's favorable or unfavorable to E3Live. But if the content is ugly, offensive, denigrating, and/or completely out of context, then we ask our moderators and communities to reject the content.

E3Live supports transparency. We are committed to ensuring that our social media practitioners (SMPs) clearly disclose relationships and endorsements, and that statements about E3Live products are truthful and substantiated. If you are a social media practitioner who has been seeded with product, incentivized, or otherwise has an ongoing relationship with E3Live, these guidelines apply to you. If you have any questions or concerns about them, get in touch with E3Live.
Please keep in mind that E3Live monitors social media related to our business, including the activities of our sponsored, seeded, or incentivized SMPs. If we find any non-disclosed relationships or statements that are false or misleading, we will contact you for correction. If, as a sponsored SMP, you are found to repetitively make inaccurate statements about E3Live, E3Live products, or E3Live services, we may discontinue our relationship with you.

  • Be transparent: Please clearly and conspicuously disclose your relationship to E3Live, including any incentives or sponsorships. Be sure this information is readily apparent to the public and to readers of each of your posts.
  • Be specific: Do not make general claims about E3Live products, but talk specifically about what you experienced.
  • Be yourself: We encourage you to write in the first person and stick to your area of expertise as it relates to E3Live products.
  • Be conscientious: Keep in mind that what you write is your responsibility and failure to abide by these guidelines could put your E3live sponsorship or incentive at risk. Also please always follow the terms and conditions for any third-party sites in which you participate.

Other Terms to Note

  • E3Live web banners or links should not be placed on ad media sites such as AdEngage, AdsDaq, Adbrite and similar. E3Live banners are to be used on the website you own or your company owns, or on a page you can control the content of because you are the admin (i.e. a social networking page, blog, or your e-newsletter, for example).
  • Keywords, pay per click advertising, and domain names involving E3Live's product names, ingredients, trademarked names, and variations thereof: You shall not purchase or register keywords, Pay Per Click advertising, AdWords, search terms or phrases, domain names, or other identifying terms that include the word "E3Live" or any of E3Live's product names, trademarked ingredients, trademarked names, variations or misspellings for use in any search engine, portal, sponsored advertising service or other search or referral service.

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