How do I use E3 Equine?

We look at these different classifications of horses when feeding E3 Equine.

Fresh Frozen
for Performance (Healthy) Horses
serving size: 1 to 1 1/2 ounces
suggested use: twice a day
for Healthy Horses with High Activity
serving size: 3/4 to 1 ounce
suggested use: twice a day
for Healthy Horses with Low Activity
serving size: 1/3 to 3/4 ounce
suggested use: twice a day
for Horses with Hoof Problems
serving size: 1 to 1 1/2 ounces
suggested use: twice a day

for Performance (Healthy) Horses
serving size: powder: 3 to 5 scoops*
suggested use: twice a day
for Healthy Horses with High Activity
serving size: powder: 2 to 3 scoops*
suggested use: twice a day
for Healthy Horses with Low Activity
serving size: powder: 1 to 2 scoops*
suggested use: twice a day
for Horses with Hoof Problems
serving size: powder: 3 to 5 scoops*
suggested use: twice a day

additional tip

In many cases 2 oz fresh frozen given orally with a catheter syringe 1⁄2 hour before an event/challenge may result in amazing performances. In some cases, doubling the maximum feeding over a short period of time may prove beneficial.

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